Small talk with DR.MABUSE at the RSI/A.F./SPECTRAL-Party in Luxembourg.# #
How old are you ?#
- I'am 21.# #
Where do you live and what are you doing ?#
- I live in Duesseldorf and I'm studying mechanical engineering.# #
What are your plans for the future ?#
- I'm just going on like this as long as I am having fun.# #
What hardware do you posess ?#
- A500 with memory expansion, floppy, printer, hardware.# #
Which demos do you like most ?#
- Certainly that's very difficult to say. RSI Megademo and the old Sodan Demo.# #
What do you think about this party ?#
- Yes, the party is good. It's the best party since Bamiga-party.# #
How many members and what kind of under groups has Alpha Flight ?#
- About 50 members.#
There are Frankie Double Team, Vanguard, Vision One, Beating Bytes, Galaxy, Cobra Industr.# #
Why has Alpha Flight so many under groups ?#
- That lies in the history of Alpha Flight.
In the beginning on the C64 we were like a union with a lot of famous groups. That didn't change till now. But now we are on the Amiga.# #
How do you guess the future for the Amiga ?#
- Two weeks ago I wrote an articel about that. It will appear in the System 4. Yes, it will be difficult for the Amiga. But he will sure develop on yet.# #
What drink do you like most ?#
- Wodka !# #
What's your opinion about Storm ?#
- The guys from Storm should know that they think too highly of their own quality.# #
When did you stop coding ?#
- I didn't stop coding yet. Some time ago I finished a demo. But the studium takes lots of time so I can't code much.# #
Have you got a car ?#
- Yes, I've got a VW Golf.# #
Which democrews are the most important for you ?#
- The Skandinaviens are very good now.# #
Do you phreak ?#
- No, never.# #
Would you like to say something for the end ?#
- Yes, we wish you and your magaZINE all the best !# #